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New Year, New Moments (Not Sports Related)

Patty V • Dec 31, 2022

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Forgive me in advance, there are no sports discussed in this article.

What is it that brings you happiness?

As we head into a New Year, we all (hopefully) have hopes and dreams, goals that we would love to accomplish. Most people take the change in a calendar year to plan for their future. They look towards how they can better themselves.

For me, I take the change in the year as an opportunity to reflect. The last few years have been extremely challenging for many folks. Politics, health, crime, heck, even sports misery can factor in to why folks look to plan for a better tomorrow. If you're anything like me though, you live in the moment. You feel in the moment. After the moment has passed, you quickly move on to the next thing. I am constantly trying to better myself, so resolutions for me are non existent.

As I reflect, it allows me the opportunity to look at how I've grown through the year, and how I can better focus heading into the next chapter of life. Im aging. We all are. How do I continue to grow whilst managing day to day life?

There's a book that I'm very fond of. It's called "Power of Moments" by Chip and Dan Heath. Essentially this book discusses how small moments in life carry an immense amount of power. It's why when we take vacations we remember the highs and forget the lows. One defining moment is both memorable and meaningful.

In 2022 I faced many things. For me, 2022 represented more change than I have seen in recent history. I experienced every spectrum of emotion, and somehow have had to manage those emotions, channeling them into a better life for my loved ones. I got married, we moved into a new house, created many great new memories as a family, grew closer with friends, changed jobs, learned crafts, built things, and joined on as a writer/podcaster with The Kneaux. I also lost though. I lost one of my dearest loved ones. He was special, and left one of the largest impacts on my life that anyone has.

In dealing with this loss, it has made me wonder how I can overcome the hurt. How do you overcome the pain of loss? For me, I am an eternal optimist. With this, I go back to that book I discussed, "Power of Moments". This book states that there are five things you can do to find great good in great suffering. They are: Look for small peaks, celebrate and honor relationships, acknowledge your strength, identify new possibilities, and look for spiritual insight.

Now you may be wondering, "Patty, why are you sharing this junk, what does this have to do with resolutions or 2023?" My answer to you, is that I suggest as you look towards 2023, and you look for resolutions or changes, incorporate those 5 recommendations into your daily life. Everyone wants to lose weight, or stop drinking, and those things certainly matter. However, I implore everyone to make their 2023 memorable, make it matter, that way when you look back at the end of next year you're not wondering why you couldn't stick to your resolution, but you look back fondly of all of the memories made.

Expanding on this more, a little more sideways, go create moments. Go live, respectfully, full of love. Create happiness in the dark. Be the beacon of light for others who need it. I am so thankful for the memories I've made this past year.

May your 2023 be blessed with happiness, wealth, and health.

All the love in the world,


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